Without a doubt, the B-Clamp™ represents another important achievement of modern medicine and for Bariatric surgery in specific.
The Gastric Clip or B-Clamp™ is designed for patients with a body mass index (BMI) from 29 and more. For patients with higher BMIs, more extended pre-surgical check-ups may be required before being approved for the procedure.
Because of its vertical placement around the stomach, is the B-Clamp™ an ideal alternative for those who want the Surgical Gastric Sleeve but are susceptible to acid reflux and GERD. The clip’s specific design results in a lower intra-gastric pressure, reducing the risk of post-operative acid reflux.
The digestive anatomy stays intact while the stomach becomes fuller faster, allowing less food to be consumed and absorbed into the body.
STOMACH-CLIP (B-Clamp™) work?
The Surgeon carefully places the B-Clamp™ around the stomach to close-off a large part of the stomach and measurers the size of the remaining stomach’s capacity by using a calibration tube. The Gastric Clip is then sutured to the gastric wall to prevent it from sliding and to keep the restricted stomach capacity.
The stomach is segmented in two parts: one with food restriction, and one, excluded part, which allows natural gastric fluids to pass. The stomach restriction helps to have less food entering the stomach. You feel full much faster and you loose weight effectively.
X Ray of Stomach
The special design of the B-Clamp has less pressure on the stomach in its lower part. This “low pressure zone” prevents food to pass to the “excluded” part, however, the excluded part allows fluids to pass and hence prevents acid-reflux.
The Surgeon General says:
“Helping you in your weigh loss journey is my joy”
Without a doubt, the B-Clamp™ represents another important achievement of modern medicine and for Bariatric surgery in specific.
The Gastric Clip or B-Clamp™ is designed for patients with a body mass index (BMI) from 29 and more. For patients with higher BMIs, more extended pre-surgical check-ups may be required before being approved for the procedure.
Because of its vertical placement around the stomach, is the B-Clamp™ an ideal alternative for those who want the Surgical Gastric Sleeve but are susceptible to acid reflux and GERD. The clip’s specific design results in a lower intra-gastric pressure, reducing the risk of post-operative acid reflux.
The digestive anatomy stays intact while the stomach becomes fuller faster, allowing less food to be consumed and absorbed into the body.
Video with passage of contract fluid through the stomach divided with B-Clamp compartmenting the stomach in two part: restrictive passage through new stomach; small passage of fluid through excluded part.
The B-Clamp™ is a restrictive and reversible procedure:
Get a weight loss like in a gastric sleeve with no gastrectomy, no risk of leakage and no reflux, and at the same time the B-Clamp is reversible if it becomes needed to be removed.
The results have shown that it will become the best option for bariatric surgery.
the “low pressure zone” of the Gastric Clip prevents food to pass through the “excluded” part and prevents a dilation of the new stomach. However, the excluded part allows fluids to pass, and prevents an acid-reflux due its low-pressure zone.
(1) Stomach Clip
(2) Passage of fluid through “restrictive” part
(3) “Excluded part of the stomach
X-Ray pictures of the implanted Stomach Clip with contrast fluids